Bettie Business Bureau: Kandi Zeller



We want Kandi!

My name is Kandi Zeller (she/her), and I’m a writer and editor at the intersections of spirituality, creativity, and justice. I love connecting writers and readers with words that help them find their magic as they resist injustice.

“All shall be well, all shall be well....for there is a Force of Love moving through the universe that holds us fast and will never let us go.” -Julian of Norwich

I edit fiction and nonfiction manuscripts at all levels (manuscript critique, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, and proofreading), and I’m a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and the LGBTQ+ Editors Association. As a disabled and queer survivor of religious trauma, I also write in various spaces about trauma-informed and interfaith spirituality, including at All The Threads, my weekly Substack newsletter, and in my forthcoming book about disability and witchcraft with Microcosm Publishing.

I’ve been writing and editing about spirituality, creativity, and justice since I could hold a pen.

But I wasn’t always free to express my whole self. Today, through my work, I try to create safe spiritual spaces where all are welcome to show up as their magnificent, magical, and unique selves.

What’s the best advice you could give someone looking to move into your field of work?

Be yourself as much as is possible and safe for you. In the creative field of writing and editing, you’re more likely to find projects you love and are passionate about if you can express your magical self fully.

What’s your recipe for the perfect day?

A visit to the bookstore, thrift store, and/or craft store, followed by an evening with friends watching comedy movies—with servings of ice cream, popcorn, and deep conversations.

If you could change one thing to make the world a better place what would it be?

Making more spaces inclusive. I long for a world where, in all spaces, we have a lens of celebration of what makes each of us unique (rather than a lens of hostility against anything new).

Follow Kandi’s work…

Nachos, Barbie, and Me-Time Bliss

Hey there, fellow adventurers in self-exploration! Buckle up, because I'm about to take you on a wild ride through my recent escapade: a solo date with none other than yours truly. Picture this: a night full of Barbie magic, a mountain of nachos (with an extra dose of jalapeños, of course), a bubbly soda, and a cozy seat in a movie theater that rivals the comfort of my own living room. If you're ready for a tale of self-discovery, laughter, and a dash of nacho-induced spice, grab your snacks and join me on this journey!

So, let's rewind to that unforgettable evening. I sauntered into the theater with a heart full of excitement and a stomach growling for my cookie dough bites (they were only $1!). Armed with my trusty soda and a heap of nachos generously drenched in jalapeños, I nestled into a reclined, cushioned, and heated seat. As the movie began, I knew I was in for a treat - and not just because of the nachos (can you tell i like nachos).

Let me drop a quick review on the movie for you. "The Barbie Movie" wasn't just a film; it was a captivating masterpiece that encapsulated the journey of womanhood in America. Laughter, tears, and Ken-tastic moments were all part of the ride. Who would've thought a Barbie movie could hold such depth? It's a cinematic experience that every soul - from the littlest kiddos to the most seasoned souls - should witness.

As the credits rolled and I wiped away a tear (or several), I realized that I wasn’t ready for my date to be over yet. The mall was just around the corner, and since I needed a moment to decompress, I decided to treat myself to some window shopping. A leisurely stroll through the mall and a refreshing pit stop at Jamba Juice added the perfect touch of indulgence to the evening.

Now, let's talk about the true gem I discovered on this solo escapade: the immense importance of "me-time." In today's whirlwind of a world, where everything is moving at warp speed, carving out time for ourselves can often feel like an impossible task. But this date night was a reminder that taking care of yourself is not only incredibly rejuvenating but also necessary.

Savoring those moments of solitude and self-indulgence was like hitting the reset button on my spirit. It's so easy to get caught up in the chaos of life that we forget to slow down, breathe, and enjoy our own company. We spend time with friends, family, and coworkers, but how often do we give the same attention and care to ourselves?

So, here's my challenge to you: by the end of this month, take yourself on a date. It doesn't have to break the bank. It could be a simple walk in the park, a coffee date with your favorite book, or even a cozy movie night at home. Love yourself first and let the world follow suit. Embrace the laughter, tears, and everything in between, just like I did during my date with Barbie, nachos, and some quality 'me time.'

Remember, life's a journey, and taking yourself on a date is just another exciting chapter. So go ahead, plan that date, and rediscover the joy of your own company. You won't regret it.